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Конспект уроку. 5 клас . "The Friendship is a true treasure"
11.04.2012, 23:21
    Номінація:    авторський розвивальнийурок англійської мови Повна назва навчального закладу:     Комунальний заклад освіти  Солонянської  райдержадміністрації             «Башмачанська  загальноосвітня  середня школа І – ІІІ ступенів»             Солонянського району  Дніпропетровської області Прізвище, ім’я, по батькові автора:                              Рибцуник Анжеліка Мирославівна                                                                Назва роботи :      «The friendship is a true treasure»         (конспект уроку по проекту «The friendship is a true treasure»)                                              Навчальний матеріал розрахований на учнів:     5класу                                               Башмачка                                            2012 рік  Тема:«The friendship is a true treasure»                                           Form  5                                                                                                                                                                 Мета:    1. To enrich pupils’ knowledge in vocabulary and grammar, to develop                    their habits and their skills in using it in various exercises.               2. To develop pupils’ language skills in listening, reading, speaking and                    writing.               3. To develop pupils’ attention, memory and initiative.       Обладнання:booklet, pictures, cardsТип уроку: розвиток навичок детального читання і повторення граматичного                       матеріалуХІД  УРОКУ: І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовленняAim                        1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.   The topic of our lesson is ,, The friendship is a true treasure”. We shall talk about our pets. And this nice puppy will be a symbol of our lesson.  You’ll improve your speaking, listening, writing and reading skills on the topic.                    Warm-up              2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.I have some pets. There are two dogs: Rolf and Charlik & four cats: Katia, Kotia, Sonia and Pushynka.                                               Do you have any pets?                               («Мікрофон»)                     YES                                                                                    NO   What pet do you keep?                                If you do not have a pet, would you like                                                                                    to keep one? Is it difficult for you to keep your pet fit  and healthy?                                                    YES                                         NO                                                                                                                   What pet would you like to have?                Why not?                                              Why?          Do you remember the poems about dogs? Let’s tell this poems!
a)  My dog has four legs,                                                 I have only two;                                                           My dog likes to run,                                                     I like to run too.                        b)  Bill’s dog is big,                                                        Tom’s dog is small,                                                        But our little Jack                                                       Has no dog at all.                                                       c ) I have a little dog.                                                           And his name is Jack                                                      His head is white                                                          And his ears are black.                                       d) This is a dog                                                                     He growls at a frog                                                          His name is Mark                                               He likes to bark.
         e) I have a dog                        And with me                                                                      His name is Pete                 He likes to sit.                                                                                                                                                                                ІІ. Основна частина урокуCheckon               1. Контроль д/з .homework             You had to read the first part of the story "The friendship is                                  a true treasure” p. 2 - 5 (booklet) at home. And now we’ll check                                 were you good working at home?   Reading  & Speaking               2.  Опрацювання тексту для читання (booklet)1)    Read.Find Brick in the picture # 1 and say. Where is he?  pic.1 p. 22)    Read.  Look and say: a) Where is Kitty in the picture # 2?                                    b) What is she doing.   pic. 2 p. 23)    Look at the picture # 3 and say: a) What is Brick doing? b)    Have you got a dog?c)      What can your dog do?      pic. 3 p. 34)    Look at the picture # 4 and say: a) What does Brick like?b)    What doesn't he like?  pic. 4 p. 3 5)    Do you like Kitty’s house? Is it big or small? What colour is it? 6)    Describe your house. Is your house big or small? What colour is it?      pic. 5 p. 4Writing                  3. Робота над удосконаленням навичок письма.1)      Describe Kitty's house. Fill in the missing words.Встав пропущені слова.  pic. 6 p. 4
bed, first, room, kitchen, small, four, TV-set, sofa«Акваріум»   Kitty's house is …There are … rooms in her house: the children’s …, the …room, the living-room, and the … . Her room is on the … floor. There is… in her room.2)      You can say a lot about Kitty just by looking at her room. What does she usually do?  Complete the sentences.  pic. 7 p. 5      «Акваріум» She (study) history.  She (watch) television. She (play) the piano.  She (read) books.  She (paint) pictures. She (listen) to the radio.Kitty and Brick live in a small town. Here is the street where they live. Look at the picture # 8(pic. 8 p. 5) and say what buildings there are in the street where they live. 3)      There is a (школа, пошта, бібліотека, магазин, автобусна зупинка)in the street                                 4. Work in pairs.Let’s do Activities for part I     p. 6-101.     Fill in the missing letter.Встав пропущені літери.the living-r- - m, kit - - en, f - r - t2.     Unscramble the words.Розплутай слова.irgl               gdo                esohu  ….                ….                 …….                                                                3.     Look and write. Who is this?Подивись і напиши хто це.

   …………………                 ……………….. 4.     Read and match.Прочитайі з’єднай.ladydog street Sporting minute             My hands upon my head I place,On my shoulders, on my face.Then I race them up and high,And my fingers quickly flyThen I put them in front of me,And gently clap them: 1, 2, 3.   5.     Match the halves.З’єднай половинки. 

    6.     Match the words. З’єднай слова.               kind                                eyes                long                                girl                green                             ears                7.     Match the opposites.З’єднай слова, протилежні за значенням.           young                   blond                    dark                      old          8.     Match the translation.З’єднай переклади.jump over  hands        грати на піаніноfetchastick              стрибати через руки                     play the piano              приносити палку     9.      Match similar words.З’єднай слова, близькі за значенням.like                              learn study                           little       small                           fond of 5. Work in group                      «Коло ідей»1) Find the words.Знайди слова.

xyznobzcwidgirlepic turennrszxlmbtpmeiihoaqadivngxflowerznyltilhwgirlsmallpictureliveflower  2) Do the crossword.Розгадай кросворд.                «Коло ідей» 

 3 1     1 2      2        3      
1.     The dog can … .2.     The girl listens to … .3.     The young lady studies … .Across:1.     The name of the dog.2.     The girl’s hobby.3.     The name of the young ladyІІІ. Заключна частина урокуHomework             1. Д/з.Read & do the tasks at p. 10-13.         Summarizing         2. Підведення підсумків уроку.                             Your marks are… What did you do at the lesson?    
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